The house had not been lived in for a long time and needed a lot of repairs. Finding the right people to do this, who would do it right the first time was a bit of a time filler.
I had to find professional staff (Pediatrician, social worker, physical therapist, etc) that were trustworthy, available and willing to work with children with special needs. Due to the remoteness of this area (one of the reasons I chose this area) there are less professionals available. For example, there is no pediatric neurologist in this province. So we will have to go to the City (about a 4 hour drive from here). But I am pleased with the people that have so far agreed to be part of the team. This job was made much easier by recommendations from friends in the area.
I have been slowly accumulating and buying all the things I need for the kids.
The bunk beds were made by a volunteer in November.
I tried to learn more office skills! These are receipts that I put in my handy folder.
I had a visit from my mom and she brought some great toys for the kids.
I did a few home repairs.
I had some clothes donated, and bought others.
I found a cute shower curtain.
I had some good quality help to paint! More on that in another post. :)
And I did a hundred other things that you wouldn't really want to see pictures of. Including becoming a non profit organization (association) here in Guatemala. That paperwork alone took 3 1/2 months to complete and I needed it before I went any further. At times the work was hard and stressful, at times it was fun to think of the girls that would soon be living here and what they would think of the things I had for them. At one point I really couldn't see the end! And though I am not at the end, this picture shows the culmination of this work:
The CNA has my papers!! They are the governing body that will do the inspections and give me the license to take in children. How exciting!!! They don't let me know when they are on their way, but I anticipate about a month, give or take. After 2 inspections, if everything is satisfactory, I will be open for business! Estimated time line is 3 months, but it could easily take longer than that.
Please be praying for me, the government, and the children still waiting to live here. When I think of the abuse and living situations that they are living in right now, I become anxious to physically help.
Thank you for all the prayers, encouragement and support that got me through this process.