Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Thought I'd let you in on the latest. I don't have the license yet, as there was a bit of confusion on the paperwork. They wanted a few more things. So we are back in a holding pattern. Average wait time to hear back from them is about a month, so hoping to know more by the end of next month.

In the meantime, I am having a blast with the kids from the Bible club!!! I'll post a few cute pictures to make you happy. :)

 Geovani was SO happy to be back after Christmas break. He kept clapping and smiling and even put his hand on the back of my neck while I was driving. He has never initiated physical contact so I was happy! :)
 Geovani cracks me up. He often eats his snack with his little pinky up in the air.
 Joshua watches us put seat belts on, and tries to do it himself. He is a smart one, and loves to imitate us.
Geovani was watching an Adventures in Odyssey movie. Apparently he liked it. :) He also likes the new bean bag chairs I picked up for the kids.
 Joshua likes the drumming noise the exercise ball makes.
 Omar working hard practicing his letters. He is always so focused and detail oriented.
 I had no idea he could draw so well!
 At home Joshua is tied to a chair and fed by his mother or another family member. He has learned to use his fork at my house. :) Though I will admit, some food always ends up on the floor. 
 Painting caterpillars!

They were both so proud to take them home to show off to their families. Except for Joshua. His was about half the size it was when he first started. ;) I thought they looked great!

So that is just a quick look at some of the fun stuff we get to do. I really love spending time with them, and by their eagerness to get to the car, and their big smiles, I know that they really love coming too! Hope you enjoyed the pictures!

Friday, January 17, 2014

It's done!

I'm almost too excited to write this post. So many things have brought me to this point, but here are a few highlights of the most recent events.

4 years, 9 1/2 months ago I moved to Guatemala with no long term plan in mind.
4 years, 3 months ago I received the call from God to start a children's home for kids with special needs.
1 year, 8 months ago I finished my 2 year training period at Reheboth Children's Home.
1 year 2 1/2 months ago I moved into the new house and started getting it ready for the girls.
10 months and 19 days ago I handed in the paperwork asking to be certified as a children's home.
1 hour and 45 minutes ago I received the phone call saying I have been APPROVED to open Treasures of God Children's Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Praise God!!!!!

This has felt like a long, and often never-ending process, but I'm done! And I know God had the perfect timing for it.

Now I wait anywhere from 2 weeks to a month or so to receive the final paperwork. Then I'm open for business!!!! I am so excited!!! I can't wait to post the first picture of the precious little girl that will be the first family member.

Thank you for all your prayers and support! This will be a night of celebrating! Hopefully with chocolate cake. :)