Saturday, December 29, 2012

End of year giving.

Today I washed some blankets that I bought for the kids beds. I know it is not a big thing, but to me it was a physical reminder that soon I will have little kids snuggling under these blankets knowing that they are safe, warm, fed and loved. My heart aches to have these little people already living with me. Even though it means early morning rising, which for me will be hard! ;)

Right now God has been providing donations through many different people that have allowed me to buy the beds, mattresses, etc. I am so thankful for all of you who have given special gifts towards this.

As the end of the year comes flying in (how is it the end of Dec. already??) I just wanted to remind you that any donation made from Canada or the U.S. is tax deductible. This helps to buy things for the kids who will come live in the home, but also helps you at tax time! Any donation made online by the end of Dec. 31st will be eligible for this years taxes.

If you are donating from Canada please click here.

If you are donating from the U.S. please click here.

I appreciate each and every gift that is given to the children's home. I would like to remind you that I am still in need of monthly sponsors. Rent on the house, etc. have so far been covered by special gifts, but I need to keep renting the house while I wait for paperwork to be finished and get it completely set up for the kids.

Please prayerfully consider what you can give. Thank you!

God bless.

Monday, December 17, 2012

My town ambulance.

 Today I followed an ambulance out of town. I was interested to see what was inside.
And since there was no back to the truck, I had a good look inside.
A stretcher and a bench. And there was nothing tucked under the bench. I sure hope the guy had some supplies in the front of the truck. And how does the stretcher stay in the truck with someone in it? I couldn't figure that one out. 

When I was taking Spanish classes over 3 years ago, I remember my teacher telling me that her husband was a volunteer paramedic. She told me that he had to buy all of his own supplies. Gloves, mask, BP cuff, etc. Things you would think are basic supplies for paramedics. 
This is also a common sight. Paramedics stand at different speed bumps along the road to ask for donations for supplies at the stations.

There is no common number for ambulances or rescue here. You often see the phone number for the local station painted onto certain walls along the road. Usually where accidents are more common.

Just one more reason I ask for prayer for safety down here.

Friday, December 7, 2012

My church.

I have attended the Kamloops Vineyard Church since 2000 (when I was living in Kamloops. I was in and out a lot) and it feels like home to me.

Last summer my pastors retired and a new couple who I had never met took over the leadership. I looked forward to meeting them, but I was also nervous. By the time I left Canada, I felt comfortable with them, loved and supported. What an answer to prayer! Over the last few months we have been working out details and I am officially a proud missionary of the Kamloops Vineyard Church. Even though I really always have been, we wanted to make it official. :)

I also developed a support team while I was in Canada in the summer whose primary functions are to pray for me and the Home, to spread the word (fundraising, etc.) as well as accountability for me. They have been a blessing to me as I work through these times of transition.
Bonnie, Jim & Danielle and Carol

The church leadership team decided to make Treasures of God Children's Home the fundraiser recipient at their pancake breakfast in December. The support team made little houses for families to put change in and bring back on the day of the breakfast. 20 were made and given out, and more were needed!
I was excited to hear of the church's excitement and willingness to become involved. Because of the humidity here in my new town, I found very quickly that I would need a de-humidifier in the house to help combat the mold growing on all the walls. I will also need a clothes dryer for the days when the sun doesn't shine. This is the goal of the fundraising at the breakfast.

I am thankful for all the support and friendships at my home church in Canada.