Monday, December 17, 2012

My town ambulance.

 Today I followed an ambulance out of town. I was interested to see what was inside.
And since there was no back to the truck, I had a good look inside.
A stretcher and a bench. And there was nothing tucked under the bench. I sure hope the guy had some supplies in the front of the truck. And how does the stretcher stay in the truck with someone in it? I couldn't figure that one out. 

When I was taking Spanish classes over 3 years ago, I remember my teacher telling me that her husband was a volunteer paramedic. She told me that he had to buy all of his own supplies. Gloves, mask, BP cuff, etc. Things you would think are basic supplies for paramedics. 
This is also a common sight. Paramedics stand at different speed bumps along the road to ask for donations for supplies at the stations.

There is no common number for ambulances or rescue here. You often see the phone number for the local station painted onto certain walls along the road. Usually where accidents are more common.

Just one more reason I ask for prayer for safety down here.

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