As some of you know, Sara has had a much more difficult time breathing. She had sleep apnea (she stops breathing and/or has ineffective breathing while she sleeps) when she came to us at the end of January. About 3 weeks ago she started all of a sudden not tolerating laying on her back to sleep. She would gasp, and gasp, and not be able to breathe well. That day, she woke up and for about 20-30 minutes continued to gasp, and not breathe well, prompting me to take her to the pediatrician. Unfortunately, there isn't much medically we can do for her. I contacted her ENT (ear nose and throat specialist), and he agreed we need to do the surgery to remove her tonsils and adenoids quickly. Bad part is, at that time he was in Spain and wouldn't be back until this past Monday. She has microcephaly, which means her brain and head are much smaller than normal for some reason. We suspect a lack of oxygen at birth caused it, but we aren't sure. Because of her small head, her tonsils and adenoids are blocking her airway and we need to take them out.
Tuesday we met with the Dr who will do the surgery. He saw her, and agreed we need to do the surgery soon. She also has weak neck muscles, and she is having a hard time swallowing food and managing her own saliva. She has trouble eating, and hasn't gained much weight. She will be 2 years old on May 1st, and she weighs 16 pounds. 16 pounds is a lot better than the 14 1/2 pounds she weighed when she came in January! But obviously still not enough. This surgery will also help with her feeding issues.
I can't really stress enough how difficult it is watching her not be able to rest well. I'm afraid she will just quit breathing. Tuesday she had so many secretions, it was like watching her drown, and I couldn't find a single position to make her comfortable (usually facedown works). She sleeps on her stomach, which has it's own risks, because within 30 seconds of falling asleep on her back, she is gasping for her. I can't wait to get this done!!!!
We meet with a cardiologist who saw her struggling to breathe (she was sleeping in my arms while we were at the appointment). He wanted to do an echocardiogram because usually kids with apena this bad will have heart damage. Praise God her heart is good to go!
"I just want to breathe well!"
Lupita also has a small head due to her syndrome. Though her apnea is bad, it is not the level of Sara's. I have also watched her sleep, and struggle to take in air, and it is so hard to watch. She is often tired, and I'm sure it is affecting her at school. She also struggles to breathe while eating with her mouth closed. I've had to leave that little life lesson alone for a while. :)
First of all, I'd like to ask for your prayer. Though the surgery is simple, and kids usually go home the same day, our girls are special (in more ways than one!) and the surgeon wants us to stay overnight with the girls. Please pray for them through the weekend, and during their survey and recovery.
We have scheduled them for Tuesday at 8 and 9 a.m. I am thankful we can do them both at the same time. We will have a double room, and a nanny and I can be with them the whole time. Because of their special needs we are doing the surgeries in a private hospital. There, our risks for post-op infection and complications will be decreased, and if they need any type of resuscitation, there are resources available there. Not so in the public hospitals.
Secondly, unfortunately private hospitals cost money. Praise God, the surgeon and anesthesiologist have donated their time, and won't be charging us a fee! We still need to cover the cost of the OR and the hospital stay. Their best guess as to the approximate cost is about $2,000. each girl. It all depends on what each girl needs during their stay.
If you can help with the cost of their surgeries, or know someone who would like to help out, please click here for a tax deductible receipt in Canada, and click here for a tax deductible receipt in the U.S.
I'll hopefully be posting updates on Facebook about how they are doing the day of the surgery. Thank you for caring for my girls, and loving on them with your prayers and donations!!! I am once again thankful for those who can help me care for these girls in the best way possible!