The widow's mite is always a good touchy feely story. When I lived in Canada, I loved the story. I've always loved underdog stories. Way to go little widow! I had in mind a picture of a little old lady, bent over, putting her coins in the plate. And Jesus loved her donation more than the rich man who gave so much more!
But I didn't really get it. Not really. I just thought of Jesus praising her, and shooting down the arrogant man. I didn't think of what it was like for her. I didn't think about what she felt when she got home and had nothing left. She didn't know Jesus was praising her. She just was doing what God led her to do.
I did well for myself in Canada. I had low living expenses, and I worked full time (with overtime!) as a nurse. I could do what I wanted, when I wanted. I could buy what I wanted, when I wanted. I could go on trips, and buy the extra creamy Kraft Dinner, and buy fun gifts for my friends kids. I could surprise my mom with a cruise for her birthday, and surprise my sister with a trip to Disneyland for her birthday. And I loved it. Who wouldn't?!?
I gave money to a missionary in Guatemala. I had two sponsor children. TWO! I must have been so generous!
But it didn't hurt to give. It was easy. This is embarrassing, but I had to work about 5 hours a month to cover what I was donating. And I worked a lot more than that each month. What was I thinking?!? I didn't think much about it, but I was content with what I donated.
Poor Jesus. How He puts up with my arrogance, I have no idea. I was that arrogant rich man, and though I didn't advertise that I gave donations, I thought I was doing a good thing, and furthering the kingdom. With my tiny pittance.
Now I don't make a salary. I used to set aside some extra money for myself every month for "fun" stuff, but for the past 9 months, there hasn't really been any extra. And now I understand the widow a little bit more. She did this because she loved God. I do this job because I love God. I gave up steady money, but I always know that if I truly needed something, my mom would step in in a heartbeat. So though I am closer to making it hurt, I'm still not there. But I understand her so much better now. And it makes me even more thankful for her.
I receive donations every month to cover our expenses. Some people give bigger amounts, and some give smaller. I am thankful for all of it! It is money that the giver could have been spent on something else. Candy, trips, new car, friends, education, or anything else that makes life easier and more fun. But my favourite donations?
I received this e-mail from a childhood friend a couple of days ago.
"Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I just made a donation on behalf of my Rebekah (her 10 year old daughter). She had taken part in a garage sale at the beginning of the month and asked me to donate the proceeds. She donated 50.00. She wants the money to go to Marcy's formula or whatever you need to pay for for her."
That's my favourite. Do you remember being 10? With a long summer ahead of you? All the things you could do? This particular girl faces challenges of her own, and instead of thinking of books to buy, or movies to see, or toys to buy, or candy to eat, she gives her money to a little baby she has never met. I'm tearing up again just thinking about it. I was never that 10 year old. That type of sacrificial giving, with no reward is astounding. No one is doing a newspaper story on her. It isn't on my friends Facebook wall. Nothing. Just one little private e-mail telling me of her selflessness. It is astounding to me.
One of my supporters, who has faithfully given to me every month since I arrived in Guatemala over six years ago, is a single mother, has a teenage son (and we all know how much mess and noise and expense and problems come from teenage boys!) and has faced many trials in her life. She has even had to go on assistance for a while. She still gives EVERY SINGLE MONTH! I am astounded.
Another of my supporters are friends of mine, and missionaries here in Guatemala. They, like most missionaries, are not rolling in money. But when they read my newsletter in November asking for more help, they were the only ones to respond and start donating monthly. I'll tell you right now, I don't give to other ministries! I "need" it all for my girls and I!
I just want to highlight some good people in this world. People who I aspire to be like. People who inspire me without knowing it. People who love Jesus, and act on it, without any kind of recognition, except from the most important person: God.
Thank you people!!!
P.S. I don't tell these stories to guilt anyone into giving, though it may sound like it. :)