When Sara squishes into me for a big hug.
When Luz laughs and smiles as I give her big kisses on her cheeks.
When Marcy follows me around like a little shadow.
When Lupita reaches for my hand automatically whenever we go anywhere.
When Leydi smiles and starts to close her eyes as I say her name, in preparation for the barrage of kisses she knows is coming to her face.
When Shirley comes running up to me to give me the biggest hug.
When Sara starts to laugh so hard she can hardly breathe.
When Luz wants to cuddle, and sits on my lap in the swing.
When Marcy's face lights up when I get home, and she squirms and kicks and smiles and laughs with happiness as I pick her up.
When Lupita just wants to come lie beside me on the bed.
When Leydi is being pushed around in her wheelchair by Lupita, and she can't stop smiling.
When Shirley dances and wiggles her bum every time music comes on.
These are just a few of my favourite things.