Thursday, January 12, 2017


School started for Lupita today.

It's been a bit of a new journey for us the last couple of months. She was very happy at her first school where she attended for 2 years. They loved her, and protected her, and treated her well. But she wasn't advancing. The teachers there are great, but I decided I wanted her to repeat her year before moving on, and we decided to try another school. This new school is very well known for their high academic level. One of her best friends attended last year, and he did wonderful. His mom (a good friend of mine) is very happy with the school, and how they teach. We talked about putting Lupita in. 

It is expensive, so I really wanted to be sure. But in talking with several people, and praying about it, I decided to sign her up. I am fiercely protective of her. I know in the future she will continue to be judged incompetent and stupid as an adult, as she is now judged as a child. And I want her to be as prepared as possible to get a good education, then a good job, etc. Confidence in herself and what she knows will play a big role in that. 

I happily signed her up. Then the dread set in. It's a rich kids school. Rich kids here often (not always, but often) tend to be prejudiced and judgemental and can be just plain mean. So for the next two months I went back an forth between being so happy, and terrified for what would happen. 

Last week I had several mini panic attacks, and couldn't figure out why. Yesterday, on the way to my joint birthday party get together with a friend, it came to a head. I had a good cry and full on panicking at what I was getting her into. She was SO excited to start school. She was convinced, because I convinced her, that if someone was mean, or if she was confused or scared, all she had to do was talk to the teacher. She knew all the right answers on paper to any problem that might arise. But you and I both know that the real world often translates differently. Especially when it comes to bullies. 

We met her teacher, and she was so excited to be there, she was literally jumping up and down. She couldn't wait to start in two days. And it was her excitement that did me in. I should have been happy, but I was too darn worried about her to be happy. While talking to my friend (and crying all over the place), the one thing I clearly remember her saying was, "I think you are forgetting to allow God to work in all of this." And I was. It was ME putting her in that school. It was ME setting her up for failure. It was ME exposing her to the bullies. I wasn't giving Him credit, or room to work.

I have been praying for months. For a good friends for her. For clarity while learning. For a firm and understanding teacher. For more confidence for her in general. And we prayed together the night before school, and on the way to school in the morning.
Today was the first day. She was given this backpack and lunch kit from a new friend of ours who also works at her new school. :)
A new teacher!

I dropped her off in her class, and left crying a tear or two. I texted my sister, telling her I had cried. She said, wasn't that was what Lupita was supposed to do?!? All of a sudden it hit me. She had walked into the school with confidence. She had greeted all the teachers and the director with a good morning and a hug. She wasn't shuffling around with hunched shoulders. She was looking around the classroom with interest. My prayers had been answered!!! When I hugged her goodbye, she just looked at me without a hint of fear. Amazing what God can do when you let Him.

This afternoon her teacher sent me these pictures she took at recess time. Look how she is playing with another little girl!!!! 

 When I picked her up, she told me all about what she had done that day. She was so happy, and the teacher told me she did wonderful. Lupita told me her favourite parts of the day was colouring a Tinkerbell page, and the worship time at devotions in the morning.

I am so proud of her. And I told her so. It is like she is a new kid! I know that hard days will come this year, but to see such a miraculous change in her at the beginning of the year gives me hope!

The girls left at home were sure missing her. Marcy climbed into my lap and did her stress sign. She was fighting with the other girls, and crying. She was really missing her "Ta".

Thank you to all who have prayed. I know I haven't done a good job of sharing this story, but please be praying. Also, I still need monthly sponsors. Her monthly fee and bus cost much more than the last school. I still need $70. a month sponsored. It feels like so much money, but I now truly believe it is the best place for her. And I don't have to pay for the other girls school at all, except for some school supplies at the beginning of the year. Please let me know if you'd like to help sponsor her schooling.

Thanks for reading. I'm so sorry I haven't done a better job at keeping up. I'll try to post about Christmas soon. We had a great time!!!