Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Cute Marcy update.

We got back a week and a half ago from a four day trip to the Capital City, for five medical appointments for Marcy. I was really excited to see how much she weighs, and was counting on 10 1/2 pounds. She weighed 11 pounds 14 ounces!!!!!! What a superstar! Normally we weigh her without clothes, and this time they weighed her with clothes, so technically she is less than that, but not by much! I am so thankful. I feel like she is at a place now that I don't have to worry about her weight gain every day.

Our meeting with the cardiologist was first on the list. As soon as I walked in the hospital, I had what I assume was a panic attack. I couldn't believe it! I was nauseated, increased heart rate, felt like I was breathing with a big heavy rock on my chest, and a general sense on uneasiness. I know that it was a rough time spending those 5 1/2 weeks with her, but I sure didn't expect that! We ended up spending so much time waiting for the appointment that I was fine by the time we went in.

Unfortunately, she has another hole in her heart. Apparently it has always been there. But they didn't tell me about it until now. Don't ask me how I feel about that. This means possibly another surgery. Again, don't ask me how I feel about that. So please be praying for this hole to close. We go back at the end of October to check on it.

Nutrition was so happy to see how well she has fattened up that they took a picture of her! A lot of people stopped us int he hallway of the heart hospital to see how well Marcela was doing. The cleaning staff, support staff, pharmacist, nurses and dr's. It was like we were rock stars! ;) And I was so proud to show off how well she has been doing. We visited the head of the ICU and he donated a bunch of formula for her. Her main doctor was so happy to see her! It was nice to see them on a happy note.

We went to get a hearing test for her. I thought. Ended up waiting 5 1/2 hours to see a dr who said get these labs done and come back. I know that she hears, but because of the shape of her ears, there is a possibility that she will have some hearing loss. But she needs to be sedated for the test and I am not ready to put her through that. In other words, I'm too scared to sedate her. So that was a waste of a morning. I'll probably write about that adventure in another blog. ;)

We saw the nephrologist and she said her kidneys look good for now. Yay! We go back in three months for another check up.

We saw a geneticist to confirm her syndrome. He hasn't got back to me yet, but it will be good to know for sure what she has.
 This didn't happen as much as I would have liked. It is hard to not be at home, and be off your schedule.
Cute as she is, she was supposed to be sleeping! 
 We were THRILLED to be home! It was a long four days, and she did really well. Until we were getting ready to head home. It was a bit of a rough ride, and we didn't get in until after 8:30 at night.
Just hanging out. Is this one of the most cutest faces you have ever seen? And I get to hug and smooch on her every day!!!!!

Please be praying for the hole in her heart to close, and pray for her feeding. She is still using the feeding tube for about 2/3 of her feeds, but we are seeing definite improvement, praise God! 

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