On Dec 2nd, we welcomed Guadelupe.
There just happened to be a Burger King near the courthouse. And it just so happened to be lunchtime. And it just so happened that I love Burger King. So we went!
Lupita (as we call her) has Crouzon syndrome. Short story is, the bones in her skull fused too soon, and won't expand with the growing of her brain. As she has never been operated on, this had the potential to cause serious brain damage. Praise God, the only damage it has done is cause one of her eyes to not see. She is of normal intelligence.
She loves to run errands with me, and I love to have a fast food buddy! ;)
She is SUCH a joy to have around the house! I am so glad God brought her to us. She is fun, sweet, affectionate, helpful, and the list goes on. She is also broken from her past. So she often wakes in the night in a panic and crying. She speaks to me of things that little girls shouldn't have seen. And through all of that, she remains a sweet child. Don't get me wrong. She is also a five year old, and she has some behaviour issues. But doesn't every five year old? I don't know if this is most kids, but the majority of my girls have the art of manipulation down pat! ;)
While we were in Guatemala City that week, for specialist appointments for some of the girls (like Yasmin pictured below), we received a call for a new little girl. Since I was picking her up near where we were, we just picked her up on the way home.
On December 5th, Shirley came to live with us.
The ride home was a little crowded.
Yasmin's face cracks me up! I don't think she likes being a pillow.
Shirley is three years old, and suffered a bad brain bleed. She came to us as a sweet child who will greet anyone in her presence. She is beautiful and sweet, and tries to use that to her advantage.
She didn't want to drink her water. I think that lip is so cute!But don't tell her that.
This picture was taken on one of her first days with us. She couldn't sit independently very well, she was very scared of everything, and would panic when we went to touch her. Judging by the scars on her head, she went through a lot at the hospital with her surgeries and recovery.
Now that I was up to six girls, I had visions of a pretty family picture that I could send out to everyone at Christmastime.
I'm not even exaggerating, this is the second best picture of our little photo shoot. Guess we'll keep working on that.
We decorated for Christmas, and Lupita loved it!
After Jackie had her turn hanging ornaments, this is how she positioned herself. That girl cracks me up!
All done! (Yasmin was drooling, it isn't pee in her pants! ;) )
Marcy looking at the tree the next day. I get to look at that face every day, and for that I am so thankful.
Marcy and I had to go to the City, and we stopped in at our friends house. They also run a home for kids with special needs, called Hope for Home. We finally met a baby that makes Marcy look big! Though in reality, Marcy only had about 4 months, and one pound on sweet Olimpia.
Getting to know Shirley.
We had a staff Christmas party, and was able to get this shot of all the girls, with all the people who work so hard to make their life the best possible!
Thanks to some special donors, each girl was able to get a new, fancy Christmas dress. The girls love them!
All the girls, including the nannies, got pyjamas for Christmas Eve. You can see in the background how tired Jackie was after the Christmas Eve church service.
Luz, who has chewed off chunks of wood from her bunk bed and eaten them, was quite happy with her teething rings for a Christmas present.
Marcy learned to actually crawl, and was able to get into things. :)
Her face cracks me up!
Luz is double fisting the teething rings.
Jackie and Yasmin were so funny with their presents!
Yasmin kept throwing everything within her reach. Then she started eating the paper.
Lupita got this glider for Christmas, and she loved it! She even sat on it while watching t.v. The only time she got off it was when she went to the bathroom, and even then, she took it in the bathroom with her! :)
Then we had Happy Birthday Jesus cake for dinner.
Beautiful Yasmin.
I tried to sneak a picture of the event, but the picture didn't take. The church we attend is pastored by the Peters, from Kamloops, and they run Impact Ministries. I have know them since I was 10 years old. They have been so supportive of our girls. Every week they send a van to pick us all up, as we can't all go to church together in our current vehicle.
On the first Sunday of the year they surprised me by donating the first offering of the year to our children's home. I was so touched! What a blessing for us!
The next few pictures are the girls first tasting of s'mores. Needless to say, they were a big hit!
Shirley got so crazy, she grabbed a big hunk of chocolate and shoved it in her mouth. Since she had already had 2 whole s'mores, I actually pulled that chocolate right back out! I'm not one to waste things, so I ate in on my own s'more. :)
Marcy went crazy for it! She just tasted the marshmallow, but loved it!
In November, the judge had ordered that Jackie and Yasmin go home with their parents. At the beginning of January, they picked them up. I miss the girls, but I think it is the best for everyone. Please be praying for the girls and their family.
Shirley has been working hard with the physical therapist, and yesterday she started walking on her own! I am so proud of her! She is still somewhat fearful, but she has made such great strides in the last 2 months.
Lupita (above) and Luz (below) on their first day of school!
I even attended my first parent meeting. What a milestone for me! ;)
Marcy has also been working very hard in her physical therapy, and can now stand by herself while leaning up against something!
On January 21, little Sara Ester came to live with us! She is one year, eight months old, and has microcephaly. Basically, her brain stopped growing. She is so cute and sweet! Now I have 2 babies! I thought I would only be getting older kids. And I really like older kids. But the fact that He gave me 2 babies makes me happy.
Look how pretty!
My two babies! Marcy is 1 year, 4 months and weighed 14 lbs, 15 ounces in this picture (she has since been very sick, and lost some). Sara is 1 year 8 months, and weighs the same!
These two are becoming good buds! (Please excuse the huge booger)
Marcy hasn't quite learned how to be gentle with non-mobile babies. I think Sara was trying to tell me, "get her off of me!" Don't worry, I did. :)
I think that finally brings you all up to date! There are always more pictures on our Facebook site, so feel free to have a look if you didn't get enough here. ;)
Thanks for stopping by!
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