Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Help is on the way! :)

This is a post that I am so excited to write about!

For some time now I've felt quite overwhelmed, and highly under qualified with some of my duties. I'm not sure I can adequately explain how difficult this whole process of starting the children's home has been for me. Let's just say, it's been really difficult to do this alone.

Though I haven't advertised it, except to a few people close to me, I (and others) have been praying for someone to come and share the ministry with me. A nurse wasn't necessary, but I wanted someone  who would especially be willing to help out with the office work so I could spend more time with the girls, and do a lot more hands on training with the nannies. Though I thought it would be so nice to have another nurse around when I can't be here.

Well, in a way that I feel like only God could have arranged, a nurse administrator from Canada has agreed to come work with us for two years!!!! She has a lot of administration experience, as well as she is a nurse! I couldn't ask for more! Her name is Rebekah, and we hope that she will be here by the end of August. She has started to raise funds, and it will depend somewhat on how that goes.

When I have to go to the City for appointments, hospitalizations, or when I go up to Canada (in June it will have been TWO years since I've been home!), she will come and stay at the Home. This is really important to me, as often these girlies have only subtle signs that they are becoming sick, and a non-trained eye may not pick up on it right away.

She will be able to drive, and can help take girls to appointments and help run errands. The possibilities are endless!!!! ;)

We have chatted several times, both prayed and sought counsel, and we both really feel like this is what God has for us.  Please pray with us, that her transition will be smooth(ish). That her fund-raising and sharing with churches will go well. Please pray for her family left behind, as I know it was hard on my mom when I left! Please pray that Spanish language learning would go well.

Thanks for all the prayers!


  1. How very Cool! God is always working! We will continue to lift you all up in prayer.

  2. That's wonderful! I'm really thrilled to hear that. Is she also from Kamloops, or where? Naomi, I hope you realize how much God must treasure you!!!

    1. Hi Barb. She is from the Island. I am really excited to have her come! :)
