Saturday, May 31, 2014


I'm so sorry. I have forgotten to keep you updated on here. I have been sending updates on the facebook page, here.

Marcela hasn't done great post-operatively. She had a simple surgery, but developed some unexpected complications that still affect her and she has been in intensive care since last Wednesday.

For the most part, everything is under control now. But after 3 unsuccessful attempts at extubating her (taking the tube out of her throat that was making her breathe) they decided to do a tracheostomy. This is basically a hole in the base of her throat, they insert the tube there, and this leaves the top of her trachea free to heal from damage and swelling. The tracheostomy was placed on Wednesday, and we are seeing good results. She is no longer needing the ventilator (which makes her breathe) as she is breathing on her own. She is allowed to wake up more too, as her head movement, etc. will not do any further damage.

Please be praying that the swelling goes down soon, and they will be able to remove the tracheostomy this week. Pray that her blood pressure stays under control (this may be a kidney issue that will need to be followed up). And pray for us. We miss our baby!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Please pray.

Today Marcela had surgery on her heart. It was a simple procedure in theory, but complications arose that have the potential to be very serious.

Please be praying for a miracle for Marcela. Please pass this on to your friends. She is in intensive care, and will remain there tonight. Hopefully we will know a little more in the morning.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Hi all. I thought I'd give you all a picture progression of little Marcela's time with us.
 First night she arrived. I'm surprised I was able to smile that big. I was as stressed out as I've ever been. And unfortunately she cried for a long time in the first few days. Transition was tough.
 My scrawny, but beautiful, little Marcy.
 Looking weak and lethargic. Had only been here a few days by then.
 Church, 10 days after coming to us.
 My little bright eyes. Unfortunately, her eyes were happy, but her body wasn't. 
 We needed to give her heart a break, and get some calories in her, so we put in a feeding tube. She hates the insertion. Justified.
 I think at this point she has been told how cute she is enough times that she believes it. ;)
 Little fat face!
She can hold her head up, roll almost all the way over, loves to watch cartoons, having her head rubbed gently is her favourite, talks and smiles more and even laughs sometimes, and knows who loves her. We have enjoyed every minute with her. Watching her progress in her milestones has been wonderful for me. I love to see such astounding achievement in such a short period of time. 

All of this progress takes money. Sorry, had to bring it up. We need special formula for her lactose intolerance (from her malnutrition), we need diapers, we need medical consults, we need exams (urine, blood, x-rays, ultrasounds, etc), we need medicine, we need extra staff members, we need therapy, we need gas money to get us to the experts in Guatemala City, and the list goes on. 

If you would like to partner with us monthly, and help Marcela and the girls who are to come, please click on the tab at the top of the blog "how to donate". You can donate from Canada or the U.S. and receive a tax deductible receipt for both countries.

I really appreciate all your prayer support, and encouraging notes. 

Thank you from Marcela and I!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Please Pray!

When we went to get a bladder test done, the Dr. took an x-ray and told me that Marcy's hips were dislocated. When the physiotherapist came, she confirmed it. She told me that sometimes if you treat them before one year of age, you may not need surgery. I don't know if this is true or not, having not encountered an 8 month old with untreated hip dislocations.

We have an appointment this afternoon with a Dr. who will be able to give us more information. Please be praying for healing, or effective treatment without surgery.

We also are having her heart surgery the end of this month. Likely May 26th, but that is not set in stone. Though it is minor, it is a surgery, and her little body needs to be up for it. She is gaining weight (my sore muscles are testimony of this!) and taking iron for her anemia, but she needs your prayers to be ready.

Thank you for all your prayers. She really is doing so amazing given her circumstances in the first 7 months of her little life. My aunt made a comment on facebook of this picture. She said she was amazed at what I had done for her as she looks so different. My reply, "A lot of food, a lot of love, and a whole lot of God!"