Saturday, May 31, 2014


I'm so sorry. I have forgotten to keep you updated on here. I have been sending updates on the facebook page, here.

Marcela hasn't done great post-operatively. She had a simple surgery, but developed some unexpected complications that still affect her and she has been in intensive care since last Wednesday.

For the most part, everything is under control now. But after 3 unsuccessful attempts at extubating her (taking the tube out of her throat that was making her breathe) they decided to do a tracheostomy. This is basically a hole in the base of her throat, they insert the tube there, and this leaves the top of her trachea free to heal from damage and swelling. The tracheostomy was placed on Wednesday, and we are seeing good results. She is no longer needing the ventilator (which makes her breathe) as she is breathing on her own. She is allowed to wake up more too, as her head movement, etc. will not do any further damage.

Please be praying that the swelling goes down soon, and they will be able to remove the tracheostomy this week. Pray that her blood pressure stays under control (this may be a kidney issue that will need to be followed up). And pray for us. We miss our baby!

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