She has had three surgeries, a tracheostomy (twice. They took the first one out and three days later she decided she wanted it back in again), countless I.V.'s (including a femoral line-long term I.V.), a ton of x-rays, multiple antibiotics and steroids, two laryngoscopies, many blood draws, suctioning, examinations, dr's talking over and about her, one chest tube, dealt with very high blood pressure, and hundreds of prayers prayed over her.
It's been a bit of a rough month.
Please keep praying for her. The chest tube was placed Friday, after her lung collapsed (and the dr's can't tell me why this happened). And she has another infection. So it seems to be two steps forward, and two steps back.
There are many things contributing to her ongoing complications, but it basically comes down to her short, tiny little trachea. It is weak and flimsy (malformed due to her syndrome), and it was damaged and swollen from her initial intubation (the tube down her throat to help her breathe after heart surgery). Besides that, her kidneys don't function as they should, and though the repair on her heart was successful, there are other issues with it that are being managed by medications.
This little girl is much more complicated than we all thought. And in such a short time together, I have fallen in love, and want only the best for her. As a parent, it is hard for me to look at it objectively, even though I am an intensive care nurse! None of what I am seeing is really new or shocking to me, yet it is so much harder now that I'm emotionally involved.
So please be praying for her little body. I just want her to come home! Of course, I want her to be completely healthy first.
They want to take out the chest tube today, and try to take our her tracheostomy tomorrow. I am nervous. Please be praying for her, and success with the trach removal. If it isn't successful, I'm not sure of the plan. There has been talk of bringing her home with the trach, and trying to remove it again at a later date. But at this point, I don't know.
It seems like it's been a very long month, even for us Naomi! May the Lord continue to keep your heart and mind filled up with peace and trust and even joy. We love you.