Step 1: Meet people and tell them you are looking to rent a house.
Check. And although this cutie wasn't helping me look for houses, her parents sure did. And she helped lift my spirits so that counts for something. :)
Step 2: Take advantage of friendships by dragging friend and her children around town looking for signs that say "this house for rent". Then try to convince her you can't speak Spanish on the phone and ask her to call and ask for details.
Check. But then you try to make up for it by baking really yummy treats with them!
Step 3: Wait for people to tell you they know someone who is renting. Do some dishes while you wait.
Check. Although technically this is not me doing dishes. This is aforementioned taken advantage of friend. Who also let me stay in her house for almost 2 weeks. And we are still friends! I think. Right Ruth? Right????
Step 4: Wonder why the police are driving down the road at a normal speed but with hand on holster.
Check. Wait, that isn't on the list.
Step 5: Break down on the side of the road, stress out and cry.
Check. Wait, that also isn't on the list! I must be a good multi-tasker. :)
Step 6: Wait for God to amaze you with His timing, connections, gift giving and grace.
Yay! Looking forward to pictures.